
aloud together

Raised by books

Engaging in the world of books, sharing stories, and indulging in daydreams... This innovative furniture makes it all possible. Arches form an imaginative amphitheater, providing a stage where readers can captivate an audience and children can transform their dreams into reality. Through creative use of levels, a clear view for every child is obtained. Integrating these arches with a front-facing cube for book storage and three steps around the furniture, making it easily accessible for all.

Design reasoning

Reading and nurturing imagination are vital for children's development. It's a gateway to a world of endless possibilities, offering them a chance to explore, dream, and expand their horizons.

Imagination, often sparked through books, boosts creativity. When children immerse themselves in stories, they encounter new characters, worlds, and ideas, igniting their imaginative faculties. This creativity isn't limited to the realm of fiction; it spills over into problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation.

Reading together, especially for very young children who can't yet read on their own, is equally crucial. Hearing stories read aloud introduces them to the magic of language and storytelling. It's an opportunity for bonding and building strong foundations for language skills. These shared moments enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and communication skills.

Moreover, reading and imagination trigger the brain in unique ways. They stimulate various cognitive functions, fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. By fostering a culture of reading and storytelling, we empower children to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and imaginative creators. In doing so, we offer them a world full of adventure and the tools to navigate it with confidence and creativity.

“Reading together nurtures the seeds of curiosity, growing into forests of creativity in young minds.”