Emloyee lounge

Opera & ballet Amsterdam

The interior design of the employee lounge at 'Opera&Ballet' Amsterdam, a majestic theater nestled within a unique circular building, reflects the city of Amsterdam's vision for a dynamic and inclusive cultural space. With durability as a prime consideration, the lounge incorporates sustainable materials and furniture, ensuring longevity and minimizing environmental impact.

Accessibility is paramount, with thoughtfully planned circulation routes accommodating the many staff members who contribute to the theater's operations. The circular shape of the building is celebrated within the lounge, enhancing its aesthetic appeal while optimizing functionality. This space serves as a vibrant retreat for the dedicated professionals who bring world-class performances to life, a testament to the intersection of artistry and design in the heart of Amsterdam's cultural landscape;

  • Circulation

    Efficient circulation in the 'Opera&Ballet' Amsterdam employee lounge, set within a circular building, streamlines movement for the large staff, fostering seamless collaboration and navigation. This design harmonizes with the theater's distinctive architecture, enhancing both form and function.

  • Materials

    Material choice is crucial in the employee lounge's interior design for durability, cleanliness, and warmth. Robust materials ensure longevity, while easy-to-maintain surfaces promote cleanliness. The selection of warm, inviting textures contributes to a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for the staff.

  • Signage

    Signage is vital in the employee lounge's interior design as it enhances navigation, communicates lounge rules, and reinforces the lounge's identity. Well-placed signs provide clear directions, ensuring a seamless experience for staff. They also help maintain order and a sense of belonging in the lounge, contributing to a harmonious atmosphere.

Technical plans

“Where creativity finds comfort
and teamwork takes a break.”