Antwerpen plukt



‘How can we create a digital tool for Antwerpen Plukt which automates the booking system and encourages social interaction in and around the community while reducing food waste.’


The website for Antwerpen Plukt provides an easy-to-use platform allowing volunteers and tree owners to effortlessly organise harvesting events and access practical information. Automating the service facilitates the sharing of skills and recourses and helps to grow the community. This way internal and external communication will be improved.

  • Step-by-step

    The website guides you through the whole process of volunteering as a fruit picker or tree owner. The transparency of the service aims to build trust between users and the community.

  • Booking system

    On the booking system, you can find scheduled activities allowing users to search events via date or location, easily sign up for harvests, and see who else has registered.

  • Event page

    The event pages allow volunteers to view upcoming harvests and equipment required while learning about the tree owners. All user details are kept securely until the day before.

User journey

Antwerpen Plukt’ provides a website where you can manage your bookings, this automated system makes this process easy and lowers the barrier. On the website you can also see upcoming events, the impact of the projects and a look into the sharing system etc. (

Sharing system

To make sure the picking events are a success, a sharing system is created where the users can share their tools and other necessities for the harvest.

Wireframes - backoffice design

Wireframes provide a skeletal structure for UX/UI projects, guiding design and layout decisions. Backoffice design focuses on optimizing the administrative interface, enhancing system management efficiency. The synergy between wireframes and backoffice design ensures a seamless and user-friendly digital experience. Prioritizing clarity in structure and functionality, wireframes streamline the design process. A well-designed backoffice contributes to efficient system administration, completing the user experience loop.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs